Frequently Asked Questions
What all Rosin grades do you offer?
We offer rosin grades from B to WW grade. We supply full product line of Rosin.
Do you have a manufacturing unit?
Yes , we have one manufacturing unit also.
Do you supply all over India?
Yes, we do.
Do you import, If yes from how many countries?
We are into import from last 6-7 years, currently we have imported from 7+ countries.
What other products you offer apart from Rosin?
We also deal in Binder, Turpentine oil and Oleo Pine Resin.
Why prices are not listed on the website?
This is a fluctuating market, and hence it difficult to regularly update with the changing market. You can always contact through WhatsApp present at footer of the website.
How do you handle customer complaints?
We always supply with full transparency, we never hide information while selling the product. And even after that we handle customer complaints with utmost priority.