Rosin is Rising

With recent market happenings, there has been an unprecedented increase in the prices of Gum Rosin/Rosin/Wood Rosin. There has been at least 45-60% increase in prices of all grades of Rosin.

What lead to the increase in prices?

  • Short supply of Indonesian Gum Rosin

Basically, it started from the short supply of Indonesian Gum Rosin in India. Most of the material got shifted to China and Europe. And on top of it, shipping lines have increased their sea freight manifold.

  • Surge in demand of Indian and Nepal Rosin

With the shortage of Indonesian rosin, there was a surge in demand for good-quality rosin produced in different Indian states and Nepal.

  • Economy Reviving from Pandemic

Overall, consumer purchasing behavior has improved, which has overall led to an increase in demand of all goods.

What happened subsequently?

  • Auction Price of OPR – Indian

The auction prices of Indian OPR increased by almost 35-40% in Uttaranchal

  • Nepal – Overwhelmed with Orders

The manufacturers in Nepal have taken orders till Mid of Jan, and they do not have any materials to offer till Mid of January

  • Shortage of Indonesian Gum Rosin Continues

PHT agents have hardly taken any orders in November, and the same will continue in December

  • Himachal Government Increasing Gum Rosin Prices

HPFSC has increased gum rosin prices twice in a short span of 15 Days, and most probably are not taking any new orders as they have to fulfill their previous due orders

What is expected in the future? (as per our understanding)

  • The auction price of Indian OPR is expected to increase further
  • HP government may increase the prices again
  • Shortage of Indonesian government will continue

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